Kurangkan 30%-70% Komitmen Bulanan Anda

Exciting new benefit to all staff

Would you like to reduce 30% to 70% of your monthly commitment?

Boost up your saving 5-6 figures?

And finally, get additional 30-40% discounts on property purchased?
Join 23,000+ clients to reap the unfair advantage.

They Too Were Like You Before

Real Stories From Real People
"Transforming life for my son: FAR Capital helped me settled a RM 350k debt"
Dr Tarmizi
"Succesfully bought properties worth RM2.5 mil without capital. A step closer to financial freedom."
Koon Kiat Koh
"Settle all 4 personal loan amount RM215,000 after 3 months joined FAR Capital"

Our Corporate Clients

How Can We Improve Your Financial Towards Stability?

We provide all these benefits for you to enjoy
Online education to increase your financial literacy
Report of Individual financial screening
Debt reduction & consolidation plan
Better deal of properties to buy 30%-50% below market
Can buy properties with minimum or zero down payment
Discounted renovation price after you get the property
Discounted property management to manage the property
Zero deposit if you’re staying at Wetopia Co-living

We will see you on the other side.

Let’s join 23,000+ clients to reap the unfair advantages.

Let Us Reach Out To You

Don't lose the opportunity and take this chance to get your best employee to stay and increased the retention rate with us.
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